Beaux Arts Magazine n° 357

Marine Joatton et la galerie Réjane Louin citées dans le Beaux-Arts d’avril  2014 dans un article consacré à Drawing Now 2014.

« Exposés par la galerie bretonne Réjane Louin (Locquirec), les pastels gras de Marine Joatton procèdent d’un geste pulsionnel qui aboutit à des masses et traits abstraits desquels émergent des formes humaines, animales et végétales, fruit d’un travail sur sa mémoire inconsciente »
Armelle Malvoisin.

Almanach – Cabinet de dessin à la galerie Alessandro Bagnai de Florence


Du 17 avril au 24 mai 2014 à la galerie Alessandro Bagnai de Florence. Une exposition dont le commissariat est assuré par Lóránd Hegyi, diecteur du Musée d’art moderne de Saint Etienne.

Communiqué de presse :

Piazza Goldoni 2 / Lungarno Corsini 16, 50123 Firenze
055 213372

Curated by Lorand Hegyi

Preview: April 17, 6 – 9 pm
April 18 – May 24, 2014

Galleria Alessandro Bagnai is pleased to present “ALMANACH – CABINET DE DESSIN”. The exhibition shows the work of sixteen artists and reveals different aesthetic visions and artistic methods within contemporary drawing.

The medium of drawing is considered as a very personal, intimate, subtle and fragile aura of visual thinking without any public obligation of creating definitive formations, of monumental forms which fit in conventional hierarchic systems. Drawing, on the contrary, allows the artist to stay in his hidden studio, to work on his projects, to write – or draw – his diary, to find the first form of a new, never explained, never precisely described concepts, to let free space for uncontrollable imaginations and dreaming, to follow obsessive routes of inner forces, to catch enigmatic, mysterious signals and evocations, with one word: to give himself completely to his own interim, vulnerable, provisory poetical immanency. The innocent freshness of drawing, the beauty of immaterial, intelligible sensibility, the enigmatic power of empathic competence of the lines, the anarchic independence of being outside of the hierarchic systems of public representation give the drawing the suggestive force of the weakness, the subversive effectiveness of the silent interior of artist’s thought. Drawing is the celebration of intensity in a small, anti-monumental and anti-hierarchical dimension; the silent revelation of the hidden terrains of soul.

The exhibition is divided into four thematic chapters:


Massimo Barzagli (1960, Italy)
Rolando Deval (1951, Italy)
Christiane Löhr (1965, Germany)
Denica Lehocká (1971, Slovakia)


Sandra Vásquez de la Horra (1967, Chile)
Ugo Giletta (1957, Italy)
Erich Gruber (1971, Austria)
Barthélémy Toguo (1967, France/Cameroon)


Guglielmo Castelli (1987, Italy)
ARPAÏS du bois (1973, Belgium) (In collaboration with GALLERY FIFTY ONE)
Ruth Barabash (1963, France/Israel)
Marine Joatton (1972, France)


Allison Hawkins (1978, USA)
Nestor Kovachev (1981, Bulgaria)
László László Révész (1957, Hungary)
Peter Martensen (1953, Denmark)

ALMANACH is part of a travelling exhibition curated by Lorand Hegyi, that will be presented in several galleries, foundations and museums, in Wien, Florence, Rome, Naples, Nuoro and Palermo. Each station will present a different constellation of artists within the same thematic structure. This flexibility permits to create a special selection of diverse works of art for each location, while keeping the basic structure of the four thematic chapters. Once the travelling exhibitions will be completed, an exhibition catalogue will be printed.

Figure(s) & paysage(s), Domaine de Kerguéhennec

figures & paysages

Domaine de Kerguéhennec
du 2 mars au 25 mai 2014
Figure(s) & paysage(s)
Avec Élise Beaucousin (dessin), Daniel Challe (photographie), Katerina Christidi (dessin), Jonas Delhaye (photographie), Isabel Duperray (peinture), Marcel Dupertuis (sculpture), Marine Joatton (dessin, peinture), Angélique Lecaille (dessin, sculpture), Illés Sarkantyu (photographie, vidéo)

Ouverture de l’exposition : dimanche 2 mars – Le site du  Domaine de Kerguéhennec

Exposition collective à la galerie Brin Léglise, Paris

Huile sur toile, 30X40 cm, 2013


Carte Blanche à Fabienne Gaston-Dreyfus


Katerina Christidi. Fabienne Gaston-Dreyfus. Gilgian Gelzer. Silvia Hestnes. Marine Joatton. Jean Laube. Guillaume Mary. Emmanuel Rivière. Christophe Robe. François Schmitt. Saadi Souami. Claude Tétot

Du 28 janvier 14 au 15 février 14 – vernissage le 28 janvier à partir de 18h
51 rue de Bourgogne
75007 Paris

Exposition personnelle à la Gallery 604, Pusan – Corée du Sud

A l’issue de deux résidences d’un mois en 2012 et 2013, Marine Joatton expose son travail de peintures et dessins à la Gallery 604, Pusan

« Spontaneous generation » du 1er au 29 juin 2013.


Il s’agit de sa première exposition personnelle en Corée du Sud. Téléchargez le carton d’invitation (PDF).